An opportunity to serve in CLC Cyprus
Posted by Hervé Lessous on 21.11.2024
Is the Lord calling you to serve in CLC? There is a vacancy for Christian service on the beautiful island of Cyprus and we need your help!
Passing the baton in CLC Netherlands
Posted by Hervé Lessous on 13.11.2024
After 62 years of ministry in the Netherlands, CLC is handing over the Apeldoorn bookshop to another organization. Though a sad moment, we also have much to be thankful for.
25,000 Children’s Bibles Project: Help us print 25,000 in multiple languages
Posted by Gary Chamberlin on 02.08.2024
During a trip to our CLC ministry in Chiang Mai, Thailand last year, I was struck by how few Bibles were available for children in the Thai language. I knew that we had to do something about this lack of materials for different age groups for our precious children. As I spoke to some colleagues, we realised that this was a problem in many countries.
Meet the ELS Ministry in India - CLC World Magazine 2024/02
Posted by Neil Wardrope on 01.07.2024
Our dedicated team manages 23 bookshops in the country, mostly in the south where the majority of Christians live. It is one of the countries with the most staff and also the largest distribution of Christian literature in the CLC International Fellowship.
CLC: A Diverse Family (Welcome to CLC World Magazine 2019/03)
Posted by Neil Wardrope on 02.12.2019
As you probably realise, CLC is an extremely diverse group of people. Operating in 46 countries, with national workers in each of them, alongside a smaller number of cross-cultural workers, CLC is made up of many nations, languages and church backgrounds. We come together under a shared vision to help people on their spiritual journey through the Bibles, books and Christian resources that we distribute.
CLC France: Restoration and Extension
Posted by Hervé Lessous on 01.12.2019
Our Toulouse store has been completely renovated. It was the first time we have renewed the flooring and shop furniture since the opening more than 30 years ago!
CLC Italy: Divine appointments
Posted on 01.12.2019
Every October there is an outdoor event in Turin called Portici di Carta. It is known as ‘the longest bookshop in the world’ as booksellers’ tables stretch out for about two kilometres! Luigi Gravina, CLC Turin, shares a story about an encounter at the CLC bookstall at this event...
When Two Become One: Kingsway CLC Trust
Posted by Neil Wardrope on 01.12.2019
In just a few months, discussions led to prayer, which led to a decision: CLC UK would merge with the Kingsway Trust. The legal process was completed on September 25, and the joint operation is now known as the Kingsway CLC Trust. This new structure is fully recognised by, and remains part of, CLC International...