Due to a sluggish economy and Marion Manning’s lengthy illness, 2023 was not as profitable as we would have wished. Barbados is dependent on tourism, which has not yet recovered after the Covid pandemic. However, improvement is predicted in 2024 when the Cricket World Cup is to be held in the West Indies.
An ongoing concern at the shop is the lack of parking space for our customers. We continue to pray that we will be able to acquire the plot of land next door. While Marion was unwell she did as much work as she could from home and staff members Jefferson Alleyne and Emmerson Williams kept the ministry going in the bookshop.
Reverend Paul Leacock, our Board Chairman, attended the CLC Regional Conference for the Americas and Caribbean in Bogota by special invitation and was greatly blessed.
We are grateful for special financial help received from CLC USA. This allowed us to replenish our stock and to meet various expenses.
We are also very thankful that we received our stock in time for Christmas. We praise God for His continuing faithfulness! Thank you for your
continuing prayers.