
Emmanuel Ladeyo (middle) and part of the CLC Benin team.

Country facts

Population: 14.2 million
Evangelicals: 8.3%
National Director: Emmanuel Ladeyo
CLC Started: 1998
Ministry: 1 Bookshop
Bestsellers: Spirit-Controlled Temperament, The Believer’s Authority


Most Recent Update
Our team received a visit from the CLC Africa Director Liz Patten, and the CLC Europe Director, Hervé Lessous. They evaluated the ministry and gave us some counsel as to measures we could take to improve our current situation. We were informed that the shop premises had been sold by the landlord, and we have to vacate the property by mid 2024. We are facing great challenges, but we trust God that He will make a way.
With the help of CLC France and funds from the Rudy Kuijer CLC Evangelistic Fund, we were able to print thousands of tracts which were then shared between CLC Benin, Burkina Faso and Ivory Customer. We pray that through these tracts, many more people will understand the message and respond to God’s for salvation and eternal life. 
CLC Benin
Rue Jericho

+229  95 562 333 [email protected]

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