Our purpose is to honor God by making Christian literature and resources available to all nations, to help people come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Whether you are one of our prayer warriors, customers, financial partners or serving with us in a variety of different ways, you play a vital part in our ministry. Thank you for your support that enables us to spread the Good News throughout the world and helps thousands daily to grow closer to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 


Donation Project: CLC Plaza David in Panama

Donation Project: CLC Plaza David in Panama

25,000 Children’s Bibles Project: Help us print 25,000 in multiple languages

25,000 Children’s Bibles Project: Help us print 25,000 in multiple languages

Update: Chennai Building Project

Update: Chennai Building Project


Update: Sierra Leone Keke Project

Update: Sierra Leone Keke Project

Update: 10,000 Bibles for Francophone Africa Project

Update: 10,000 Bibles for Francophone Africa Project

Update: A Vehicle for Burkina Faso

Update: A Vehicle for Burkina Faso


Spanish Bible Project 

Your purchases at CLC bookshops and online store help us to distribute Bibles, Christian books and resources in 48 countries worldwide. THANK YOU!
However, access to these resources is not as easy in some places as it is in most Western countries. Just try for a moment to imagine your life, and your Christian journey, without a Bible!
There is a huge need for Bibles in a number of Spanish-speaking countries.
At the moment, CLC International is raising funds for the CLC Spanish Bible Project. In particular, there’s a huge need for affordable Bibles in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Spain! These three countries have been severely affected by the economic crisis and/or political and social turmoil. Printing and purchasing even an economic Bible in these countries is often a financial burden, precisely at a time that the Word of God needs to be distributed widely. In particular, CLC is still able to get Christian books and Bibles into Venezuela, which is going from one crisis to another. The time to act is now.

CLC International wants to encourage spreading God’s Word in these countries through the CLC Spanish Bible Project that will make the Bible very accessible for everyone. This important project will also help to sustain the CLC ministry in these countries. The goal is to print a total of 45.000 economical Bibles in Spanish to promote and facilitate evangelism (20,000 for Venezuela, 5,000 for Bolivia and 20,000 for Spain). The estimated budget for this important and ambitious project, including printing and shipping costs, is €67,000 ($77,000 USD or £59,000 GBP).
How can you help? We invite you to pray for this need and then consider helping us by donating to make this project become a reality. Each Bible costs only €1.50 ($1.70 USD or £1.30 GBP). Perhaps you or your church could donate the equivalent of just 1 or 10 or even 1,000 Bibles!
Thank you for helping CLC International spread the Word of God in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Spain!


We truly believe that the Bible is for everyone and so making the Bible more accessible and affordable for people is something that CLC is very passionate about. By joining forces with Bible translators like The Bible League, Wycliffe, The Bible Society and others, CLC has been able to obtain the rights to publish easy-to-read, and affordable Bibles. With our on-going Bible projects that hope is that by raising the initial funds to print a certain amount of Bibles, CLC teams around the world will be able to continually reinvest and reprint these Bibles as needed through their sales.

Providing affordable Bibles to reach those who are coming to faith and maturing in the Lord Jesus Christ is greatly needed but in some areas of the world that is a very big challenge.

A self-sustaining project such as this will encourage not only our team but the many Christians, pastors and missionaries working in these regions. Thank you for you prayers and support!

Who We Are

CLC is an international organization committed to the distribution of the Bible, Christian books, and Christian media. Our mission is to honor God by making Christian literature and resources available to all nations, to help people come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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