Resurrecting Publishing in Romania

Resurrecting Publishing in Romania

From the start of CLC in Romania, we had the privilege of being involved in publishing, but with changes in personnel and in technologies, we slowly declined as a publishing house and were left with a lot of old and ageing stock of good books that we could not sell. We knew we needed to revive this ministry but didn’t know where to start. Then God opened doors for us and gave us opportunities for a new start. A publisher suggested that CLC got involved in a bilingual co-edition of a beautiful Bible for children. At that time we did not have either the ‘know-how’ or the resources for it, but we accepted it as a challenge and as an opportunity, and we started to work. God was faithful and blessed our work and, in 2009, the Bible was published, becoming the best selling book for CLC Romania. This led to many more publishing opportunities.

We accepted every opportunity as a gift from God, even if it required more work, learning new skills and developing a lot of courage and confidence. We have published about 50 titles and, right now, we have several more titles, including The Reason for my Hope by Billy Graham and You and Me Forever by Francis & Lisa Chan, in different stages of the translation and publication process.

Related reading

Ronela Micula

Ronela is CLC Romania's National Director

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