CLC Netherlands

Window display

The Apeldoorn bookshop

Country facts

Population: 17.4 million
Evangelicals: 4.3%
National Director: Karel-Jan Karels
CLC Started: 1962
Nr. of shops: 1
Web Sales
Bestsellers: Never Alone; Storm over the World
Online Shop:

CLC World Report Summary

In May 2023, the Near East Ministries (NEM) organised a conference, and we were able to host a book table with our new managers, Karel-Jan and Louise.
In June, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of our shop in Apeldoorn. This was reported in a regional and a national newspaper, and we had the opportunity to tell our story on the radio. We praise the Lord for opportunities where we can be light!
Due to the extensive publicity, the news that two young managers had taken over the bookshop spread through the country. A well known Christian author of children’s books (Bert Wiersema) heard about us, and we were able to organise two book-signing events with him. We extended the invitation to the local Christian primary school, and the event drew many young children to our bookshop.
Throughout the year, it was our continuous prayer that there would be enough volunteers to help in the shop. These prayers were answered: our team has grown, and we have heard from several people who wish to join us in the coming year.
We are also thankful that we could have several team coffee sessions and meals throughout the year - a great time of fellowship and getting to know each other.
CLC Boeken en Muziek
Asselsestraat, 58-60
7311 EN

+31 (0)55 522 2757 [email protected]

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