25,000 Children’s Bibles Project: Help us print 25,000 in multiple languages
During a trip to our CLC ministry in Chiang Mai, Thailand last year, I was struck by how few Bibles were available for children in the Thai language. I knew that we had to do something about this lack of materials for different age groups for our precious children. As I spoke to some colleagues, we realised that this was a problem in many countries.
CLC Mozambique: Book Café
Café do Livro (Book Café) is a new initiative for CLC Maputo. The goal is to strengthen fellowship and friendship with customers, motivate their faith and expand the vision and mission of CLC.
CLC Mozambique: Event for Writers
In June, CLC Maputo held an event for Christian writers. Of the 55 enthusiastic participants, some had already written poems, short stories or booklets on specific topics. Others dreamed about writing.
Partnerships in Mozambique by Liz Patten
CLC Mozambique first opened in 1966, but closed again due to the civil war. When it reopened in 2001, it was evident that in its second phase, there would be a need for partnerships. Commercial rents were out of range, so we reopened in a Baptist church garage! The garage was...
Maputo Shop: Tackling Termites
In 2011, we discovered a problem with the fixtures we had — termites, lots of them, had been eating bookshelves and books! Most shelves had to be burned, heavily damaged books were thrown out and the shop was fumigated. God provided for our need for new shelving through the help of many people; it was a long journey...