A Mother Figure Hervé Lessous

A Mother Figure Hervé Lessous

<p> The last CLC overseas missionary in the country, Eliane Coste, worked in C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire for about 15 years before returning to France in 2002. She was called home to the Lord in December, 2015. As well as being a faithful and commited member of the CLC team, she became very much a &lsquo;mother figure&rsquo; for many CLC colleagues, including Martine Foto who is the Manager of CLC in C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire.&nbsp; We praise God for CLC members who are willing to serve overseas and form close bonds with our national workers.</p>

Hervé Lessous

- Regional Director CLC Europe

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