Bishop Gichana is a leader of one of the mainstream churches in Kenya. For a long time he had been looking for the book, God on Fire, by Fred Hartley, a title that he had read a long time ago and which had made an impact on him. He wanted the book so he could share it with other pastors. In December, 2015, Bishop Gichana was excited to discover that the book was published by CLC and that through POD it could be accessed easily. Once we got the rights from CLC USA, we printed it for him and, in less than two months, he had bought over 500 copies of God on Fire and Church on Fire. These he gave out for free to other pastors and key leaders in Kenya. He has held conferences and meetings all over the country using the two books as key tools to light the fires of revival in Kenya.
Forever Grateful, CLC 75
Based on material first published in a 75th anniversary magazine, you will find stories from the 75 years of CLC. There are stories of God’s faithfulness and miracles, of people coming to faith and special ‘forever grateful’ moments.