CLC Belarus was initiated by CLC UK in the 1990s, and it has been a privilege to witness the development of the ministry over the past 22 years. We can see tremendous growth — and count God’s blessings! When CLC Belarus started, there were just a few Christian books in the Russian language and most of them were printed outside of what had been the Soviet Union. CLC Belarus has now made its own contribution towards increasing Russian language Christian books with 8,800 Bibles, 13 new book titles, 40,000 calendars, about 100,000 post cards and some other miscellaneous gift items produced by CLC Belarus. We also published a series of 15 titles of Spurgeon’s sermons translated by CLC.
All the progress of the work was possible with the help of CLC International, CLC UK, CLC Hungary and gifts from different people around the world. It seems that these are just statistics of the business progress — but no, God’s miraculous works and saved lives are what count in the end!
Forever Grateful, CLC 75
Based on material first published in a 75th anniversary magazine, you will find stories from the 75 years of CLC. There are stories of God’s faithfulness and miracles, of people coming to faith and special ‘forever grateful’ moments.