“On a busy afternoon at the Verdun bookshop, a young lady came in looking for a Bible for herself and her fiancé. Within minutes all the other customers made their purchases and then we were able to spend more than an hour talking with this lady about her situation, as well as which could be the best Bible for the two of them. Arriving at the counter, the lady asked for information about good churches in the area. For various reasons none of our suggestions worked well for her. Eventually she said, ‘I want to go to your church!’ The very next Sunday, the couple were in church and they heard the message of salvation.
The lady and her fiancé are no longer together as he wanted her but not the gospel. However, the lady, Danielle, is in love with the Lord and was baptised in June. Now Danielle’s parents are also attending church, wanting to know about the good things that have happened to their daughter!” – Rod Fowler
Rod Fowler