The Advance into Antigua by John Davey

It seems that every forward move we have ever made in the West Indies has been ‘by faith’, which is as it should be, though I confess that the flesh longs for sight sometimes. ‘Safety Saps Spirituality’ is still true, though, increasingly, it seems as though the whole trend is towards ‘earthly security’ and ‘safety down here’, even among Christians. Maybe earthly insecurity… is a better proposition for the spiritual person. So be it.

(Excerpt: ‘On a Shoestring’, Floodtide, Jan/Feb 1962)

Forever Grateful, CLC 75

Based on material first published in a 75th anniversary magazine, you will find stories from the 75 years of CLC. There are stories of God’s faithfulness and miracles, of people coming to faith and special ‘forever grateful’ moments.

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