CLC Hungary

Zsolt in CLC Budapest

Zsolt in our Budapest bookshop

Country facts

Population: 9.6 million
Evangelicals: 2.8%
National Director: Annamária Kárpáti
CLC Started: 1993
Nr. of shops: 2
Bestsellers: Created for Hope; We had Hoped
Online Shop:

Country facts

The year 2023 had some real challenges. With the unexpected passing of Áron in June, we were both shocked and burdened with the workload. Áron had worked with us for about five years and was a young man with a passion for the lost. It was a very sad time for us, but we were comforted by feedback about Áron’s kind service in the Budapest shop. Towards the end of the year, our Miskolc shop manager shared the news that she was expecting a baby, so we had to find a replacement for her very quickly. We are grateful for God’s provision of a man for CLC Miskolc and a lady to help part time in our Budapest shop. Both of them were a great help in the busy Christmas period.
We printed a new book at the end of the year - Radiant by Priscilla Shirer - which was received well by customers. We also reprinted five other titles. We ventured into producing new gift items, and these are selling well too. We are happy to be the distributor of the Fire Bible in Hungarian - it is well received across denominations.
Our book, Created for Love, serves as the basis for our online course on Christian self-esteem. Among the attendees was a woman in her fifties. Though she became a Christian many years ago, she was dealing with unforgiveness from her childhood. During the course, she gradually understood the power of forgiveness. She was able to let those hurts go and be free. Praise the Lord!
CLC Keresztyen Irodalmi Szolgalat
Szeles u.14

+36 (06)46 411 713 [email protected]
CLC Keresztyén Irodalmi Szolgalat
Hársfa u.19

+36 (06)1 322 3632 [email protected]

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