
You can find CLC in the following locations

CLC Dominica
Prevo Cinemall, Cnr Old Street and Kennedy Avenue
Roseau, 00109 8000
+1767 295 5765 [email protected]

Latest news from this country

Homecall of Mrs. Marlene Ramroop Homecall of Mrs. Marlene Ramroop

Marlene Ramroop had served with CLC on her home island of Trinidad for almost 40 years. She first worked in the Arima bookshop, becoming the manager, and then as the manager of the main bookshop in Port of Spain. In 2000, Marlene became the National Director for CLC in the East Caribbean. Marlene fulfilled this role with remarkable dedication and commitment until her ‘promotion to glory’ on May 30th, 2015 after a brief but serious illness. Read more

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Country facts

Population: 0.07m
Major religion: Predominantly Christian, majority Roman Catholic
Evangelicals: 17.5%

National Director: Sandra Robinson
CLC Started: 2004
Nr. of shops: 1
Full time workers: 1
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