Special Distribution Programme
For over 20 years, CLC Chile has operated a distribution programme called ‘Impacting Lives’. It is a very simple programme that consists of selecting a book on a regular basis that crosses...
Good Links
Echoing the mission statement that God gave the founders of CLC to make “available to all nations” the message of the Word of God, here is one of the small steps CLC Chile has made to the fulfillment of this mission...
Making Our Ministry Known in Chile and Beyond by Isaac Zuñiga
Making our worldwide ministry known in Chile is a slow but steady process and commitment. As well as in meetings that we organise, we are invited to speak about CLC at conferences and churches. Another idea we have implemented is to link each of our bookshops with....
Training Leaders Around the World...
The Thompson Bible Seminars, provide intensive training on how best to use this study tool; participants also get their own copy of the Bible to take home with them. CLC in Latin America has been very supportive of, and involved in running, these seminars.